United States: Eczema is a curse, leaving the skin dry and thick with patches that will itch beyond belief.
Unfortunately, there is no known cure for the skin condition; however, a new study found that self-administered talk therapy can assist a person in managing the itching, as reported by HealthDay.
Internet-based self-managed cognitive behavior therapy for teaching patients how to handle their itching is no less helpful than face-to-face therapy with a psychologist in lessening the symptoms of eczema; scientists found out recently in the JAMA Dermatology publication.
The Power of Self-Managed CBT for Eczema Relief
“Self-guided internet CBT proved to be an effective option for reducing symptoms and improving quality of life while requiring fewer healthcare resources,” investigator Dorian Kern, a doctoral student at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, said in a news release from the institute.
Cognitive behavioral therapy educates individuals about how to deal with physical and mental medical issues. CBT involves the patient identifying what he or she is doing that is making things worse, how he or she is dealing with things in a wrong way, and how the patient can do them in a better way.
CBT generally entails a person arguing their issues with a therapist, but in this case, the therapy is over a computer, researchers stated.
A person manages their eczema treatment, using the online program to learn self-mindfulness and appropriate reactions to itching.
How Online CBT Works for Eczema Treatment
For instance, when one is Cross-legged, scratching might seem desirable, yet may lead to a worsened condition of eczema. CBT may make a man with eczema learn to apply creams and emollients to soothe an itch or to practice ways of thinking that make the itch less of a trial.

In the study, 170 adults with eczema were recruited and then randomized to the online self-monitoring group and the traditional face-to-face CBT sessions conducted by a psychologist. These treatments were carried on for 12 weeks.
Convenience and Cost-Effectiveness
For their part, the patients spent an average of 16 minutes per session on the self-guided program, compared to 52 minutes with a psychologist, researchers added.
However, they spent approximately the same amount of money, and their knowledge improved consequently, findings depict, as reported by HealthDay.
This could make good management of eczema possible for people, especially those who do not appreciate talk therapy, researchers noted.
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