Global Herpes Rates Surge, Vaccine Development Crucial

Global Herpes Rates Surge, Vaccine Development Crucial
Global Herpes Rates Surge, Vaccine Development Crucial

United States: In a new review presented by the research team, genital herpes is shown to a worldwide health problem and that over 846 million people worldwide are living with genital HSV. The study done by Patel et al., is published in the Sexually Transmitted Infections journal December 10 and shows the disease burden in the youth.

High Prevalence Among Young Adults

The findings point out that at least one in five people below the age of fifty years in the United Kingdom suffers from genital herpes. Also, 200 million people in the 15-49 age group probable had at least one episode of sores and ulcers in 2020. This high prevalence makes it very relevant to call for enhanced knowledge and avert the scenario, as reported by HealthDay.

Effects on Health and Its Spread

Herpes simplex virus infections are very detrimental to one’s health and some of the complications arise in pregnancy leading to neonatal transmission and sometimes death. The virus also raises HIV susceptibility by three folds. However, the study reveals that there are few programmes geared towards the prevention and control of herpes, let alone in the develop countries.

Limitations in Preventing & Controlling Diseases

Although a number of preventive measures including condoms and antiviral treatments have been developed they have proven to be of little value in preventing herpes. “These methods,” the investigators commented, “have been effective only to a limited extent in slowing the spread of the sickness.”

A Call for Global Action

Hoping that current antiviral remedies would predict herpes cure, the study organized by Katherine Looker from the University of Bristol, was aimed at evaluating the extent of herpes affecting the world. It claimed that 26 million people aged below fifty years developed new herpes simplex 2 infections in 2020, raising the global prevalence to 520 million.

Modified Broadcast Strategies

The study also observed that although Herpes simplex 1 (HSV-1) predominantly spreads through mouth to mouth contact in childhood, sexual contact is gradually emerging as the most common mode of transmission in adults. This is because approximately 17 million people under 50 yr of age acquired painful genital HSV-1 infections in 2020 alone, thus accounting for the increasing prevalence of the virus, as reported by HealthDay.

The Reason for Active Search for Solutions

Since HSV is a common sexually transmitted viral disease with implications to the general population, the researchers have urged for further action. This paper highlighted the need for both the prophylactic and therapeutic herpes vaccines to help curb on the spread of the disease and its overall economic cost.