The surgical intervention of bariatric surgery provides obese patients with fatty liver disease a hopeful resolution to their disease risks which can stop severe medical outbreaks and disease progression.
For diabetics facing kidney failure risks Ozempic received FDA approval which brings potential hope but distribution issues persist.
USA discontinuing Collaboration between CDC and WHO creates global health security risks in the midst of worldwide infectious disease epidemic.
The CIA currently believes lab leak origins present the highest probability but natural and lab origins remain equally possible causes of COVID-19's emergence.
The bird flu outbreak reveals the exact need for clear communicated health agencies especially during public health crises.
According to the study medical marijuana requires additional oversight through monitoring programs because it carries higher addiction risks than recreational marijuana.
Crescent Duck Farm confronts an uncertain future while attempting to defend its history against the bird flu outbreak problems.
The FDA highlights severe allergic reactions including death that can develop from taking Copaxone as MS medication.
FDA approval of Spravato now gives people with depression who have not responded to other treatments a quick and pioneering treatment option.
Recent evidence shows that hormone replacement therapy helps women through menopause safely without developing brain tumors.